How We Work Together


At an initial intake meeting, Upfront Analysis will answer your questions about how we work together, tailored to your needs.

After this meeting, Upfront Analysis will analyze the time and resources needed for your project. This is called the “Discovery Process.” Here, Upfront digs deeper to find the real root of organizational problems, talks to all stakeholders, and determines what specific goals are. John will give a presentation to all stakeholders as a group, so everyone is aware of the steps that need to be taken, and then do one-on-one breakout sessions to ensure individual questions are answered and concerns are addressed from the executive team.

Following the Discovery Process, Upfront will suggest specific tasks to accomplish and be present a couple hours per week to check up on the progress. A couple of hours of on-site, face-to-face interaction per week helps retain and embed the strategic goals in the company culture, without burning out leaders and teams taking on the tasks. Trying to change the culture and how to do things with long-term results takes time.

During the project, Upfront Analysis will be on-site once a week, or as needed. John also makes himself available for phone calls at any time. Over time, this hands-on consulting weans off as the culture sets in or when the project is completed.

Full-day intensive retreats are also offered as needed.

Start by contacting Upfront Analysis today.